How much is a $200 Sephora gift card in Naira?

200 Sephora gift card in Naira

How much is a $200 Sephora gift card in Naira?

200 Sephora gift card in Naira: The current price of a $200 Sephora gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N70,000 for the physical card and the price of the E-code is N58,000. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $50 Australian iTunes gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $50 Australian iTunes gift card in naira according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate is N8,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $100 Canadian Google play gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $100 Canadian Google play gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N18,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $400 Netflix gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $400 Netflix gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N84,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $200 Jc Penny gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $200 Jc Penny gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N64,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $100 RazarGold gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $100 RazarGold gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N42,000 for the physical card and the price of the E-code is N37,000. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $500 Macy gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $500 Macy gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N175,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $100 Target gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $100 Target gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N32,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $200 Footlocker gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $200 Footlocker gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N76,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $200 Apple store gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $200 Apple Store gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N48,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $50 German iTunes gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $50 German iTunes gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N16,500 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

How much is a $100 OneVanilla Visa gift card in Naira?

The current price of a $100 OneVAnilla Visa gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N35,000 for the physical card. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

What is a  Closed Loop Gift Card

Closed-loop gift cards can only be redeemed at the merchant listed on the card. Starbucks gift cards and Amazon gift cards, for example, are “closed” because they can only be redeemed at Starbucks and, respectively. Sometimes you will see a set of gift cards that can be used within a family of stores. Gap gift cards are redeemable at Banana Republic, Old Navy, Baby Gap and other stores owned by the same parent company. Though redeemable at a variety of merchants, these “related” gift cards are still closed loop because they can only be processed (activated, redeemed, supported) via the parent company’s gift card program.

What is an Open Loop Gift Card?

Open-loop gift cards can be redeemed almost anywhere because they run on various credit card systems. Visa gift cards, for example, can be redeemed in stores, online or via telephone, wherever Visa is accepted.

Benefits of Open Loop Gift card?

Open-loop gift cards are widely available and recipients can use them at restaurants, clothing stores, grocery stores and more. They can even be used to pay non-recurring bills. Open-loop cards are almost as flexible as cash.

200 Sephora gift card in Naira