How much is the $100 Amex Gold gift card

How much is a $100 Amex Gold gift card?

Amex Gold gift card: The current price for a $100 Amex Gold gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N35,000 for physical. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

How much is a $100 Footlocker gift card?

The current price for a $100 Footlocker gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N38,000 for physical. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

How much is a £100 UK Steam Wallet gift card?

The current price for a £100 UK  Steam Wallet gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N50,000 for physical and the e-code is N42,000. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

How much is a 100 Euro Google play gift card?

The current price for a 100 Euro Google play gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N34,000. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

How much is a $200 Vanilla Visa gift card?

The current price for a $200 Vanilla Visa gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N66,000. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

How much is a $200 Nordstrom gift card?

The current price for a $200 Nordstrom gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N70,000 for the physical card and the e-code is N26,000. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

How much is a $200 US iTunes gift card?

The current price for a $200 US iTunes gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N28,000 for the physical card and the e-code is N58,000. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

How much is a $100 Nike gift card?

The current price for a $100 Nike gift card, according to the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator is N32,000 for the physical card and the e-code is N26,000. Use the Giftcardshub exchange rate calculator to check for other gift cards’ prices.

AMEX GOLD gift card

Amex Gold gift card

American Express is one of the largest financial service multinationals in America. They offer various types of payment cards including debit, credit, prepaid, and gift cards, all of which are accepted in-stores and online across America. AMEX Gold Gift card is a type of American Express gift card. 

AMEX Gold gift cards are prepaid credit cards that are used where American Express is accepted. They are also great for people who would like to make periodic payments and stash cash for different purposes in different accounts. Amex Gold gift cards attract zero fees, from maintenance to balance check and inactivity fees. It all goes down free of extra charges.

Specific uses of AMEX Gold gift card

Store of cash:  You can use an Amex Gold gift card as a store of cash, since its can function just like an ATM Card, it will be like having a separate account that you bought. Since Amex Gold gift cards don’t have an expiry date, you can use them to hold cash for as long as possible.

Periodic budgeting: Opening another bank account for the sake of budgeting can attract unnecessary account expenses for an account holder. Amex Gold gift card is an amazing option for people that want to follow a budget without attracting extra costs. Instead of having to pend directly from your account, you can buy a gift card that is worth your spending plan for a certain period. Say you want to budget $400 on food and transportation for the month, you can buy a $400 Amex Gold gift card and spend from it instead of withdrawing from your bank account.

Gift-giving: Choosing gifts for people can be brain-draining and time taking, especially if you don’t know the gift recipient’s personality. Most times, gift-giving has to do with the thoughtfulness and timeliness behind the gift given. An easy way out is giving them a gift card that sums up everything. If you want to get a friend a gift, an AMEX gift card with the required amount would be perfect for the person.