How much is $500 USA Sephora Physical gift card in Naira

The current price of a $500 USA Sephora physical gift card in naira according to Giftcardshub exchange rate is N1920,500. You can check for other gift card prices with the Giftcardshb exchange rate calculator.

Sephora gift card is just the perfect gift for your loved one who loves and wants the best beauty products, enjoys makeup, cosmetics, and personal care. Use eGifter and send them their online gift card today, they will most definitely love it.

With your Sephora gift card, you can purchase any of Sephora’s skincare, haircare, or cosmetic products. Anything you need for your beauty rituals or next makeover. Your Sephora gift card can be redeemed for merchandise in Sephora store locations in the United States and Canada, online at, on the Sephora app, or at Sephora stores located inside JCPenney stores.

Sephora stocks the latest lines from NARS Cosmetics, Fenty, First Aid Beauty, Drunk Elephant, Olaplex and more – with ranges to suit every skin and hair type, style and budget.Apart from using Sephora gift cards at stores or online, you can also use them at the pump station and earn additional fuel points, giving you additional savings at the point.

–How much is 100 Euro Walmart gift card in Naira: the value of a £100 Walmart gift card in Naira is N38,000. The exchange rate is N380/$. You can check the value of other gift cards using the rate calculator.

–How much is $200 iTunes gift card in Naira: the value of a $200 iTunes gift card in Naira is N56,000 for the physical card the exchange rate is N280/$, while the price of the e-code is N52,000, the exchange rate is N260/$. You can check the value of other gift cards using the rate calculator.

– How much is £200 UK iTunes gift card in Naira: the value of a £200 UK iTunes gift card in Naira is N78,000 for the physical card the exchange rate is N390/$. You can check the value of other gift cards using the rate calculator.

– How much is $100 Canadian iTunes gift card in Naira: the value of a $100 Canadian iTunes gift card in Naira is N10,000 for the physical card the exchange rate is N100/$. You can check the value of other gift cards using the rate calculator.

How to Sell your Sephora Gift Card for Naira

Trading your Sephora gift card for naira is possible in 5 simple steps.

The procedures are as follows

– Visit or Download the Giftcardhub application from Google Playstore.

– On the homepage of the website or application, click on Trade Now.

– Sign up to Giftcardhub or sign in if you previously had an account.

– On your dashboard, input the details of the card you want to trade.

– For the $500 Sephora Physical gift card, select USA Physical in the field for the gift card category. Select Sephora in the Gift card field and type $500 in the amount field.

– Click on Trade Card

– Fill in the details of the gift card and upload the image of the gift card you want to sell. Click on place order to complete the transaction.

– Wait for the card to be verified. When the card is verified, you will be credited to your Giftcardhub wallet.