How To Sell Steam Gift Card At High Rate

Over the years, gift cards have proven to be a better option than regular gifts. This can be owed to the real-time value that these cards hold, compared to other gifts you give to friends, family, or colleagues. Have you been gifted a Steam gift card and you are wondering how to sell it? In this article, you will get to learn the most profitable way to sell Steam gift cards in Nigeria. 

The best place to sell Steam cards for cash in Nigeria at high exchange rates is Gftcards Hub. – It is as simple as that!!! But before we dive in, let’s talk about Steam gift cards a little bit.

What is STEAM?

Steam is a video game digital distribution service and storefront developed by Valve Corporation. It was launched as a software client in September 2003 to provide game updates automatically for Valve’s games and expanded to distributing third-party titles in late 2005 – Wikipedia

About Steam Gift Card

Steam Gift Cards and Wallet Codes are an easy way to put money into your own Steam Wallet or give the perfect gift in the gaming world to your friend or family member.

Things To Know Before Trading Your Gift Cards

Before you journey into trading your gift cards, you should know the following:

  • Know your gift card balance before trading
  • Always check gift card rates with the platform rate calculator before commencing a trade.
  • Read app reviews on the Play Store before downloading an app, so you can have an idea of other users’ experience.
  • Keep your gift card and gift card number safe. Understand that the thief can redeem your gift card if it is stolen
  • Once you’ve successfully traded your gift card and received funds for it, you can throw it away if it is a physical card as it is no longer useful.

Giftcards Hub

Giftcards Hub is a platform dedicated to facilitating the exchange of gift cards. We provide individuals with a convenient and efficient way to convert their unused or partially used gift cards into cash. The platform offers competitive exchange rates, ensuring that users receive the best possible value for their gift cards.

Key features and offerings of Giftcards Hub include:

  • Competitive Exchange Rate: You get to enjoy one of the best exchange rates in the gift card market. You can access the rates for all tradeable gift cards with the rate calculator.
  • Wide Range of Gift Cards: Giftcards Hub accepts gift cards from a variety of retailers, both physical and digital, making it accessible to a broad range of users.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Our platform boasts of a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of submitting gift cards for exchange and receiving payment.
  • Quick Transactions: Giftcards Hub, processes transactions swiftly, allowing users to receive their funds in no time. You can trade your gift card and receive payment within 10 minutes on our platform.
  • Customer Support: Quality customer support is a common feature, with dedicated representatives available to assist users with their inquiries, concerns, or issues. Giftcards Hub has a 24/7 customer support system.

How Much Is Steam Gift Card On Giftcards Hub

The exchange rate of a Steam gift card depends on the type of Steam gift card you want to sell, the gift cards based on type (physical card and E-code) and the country it originated from. Generally, Steam gift cards are exchanged between NGN 400 to NGN 830.. See rate calculator

How much is £100 UK Steam Gift Card

 According to the Giftcards Hub rate calculator, the UK physical Steam gift card is exchanged at NGN 830/£, while the digital card is traded at, NGN 700/£. Hence a £100 Steam gift card is NGN 83,000 for the physical card and NGN 70,000 for the digital card. See rate calculator

How much is a 100 Switzerland Steam Gift Card

The Switz Steam card is exchanged at NGN 710/$ for the physical gift card and NGN 700/$. A 100 Switzerland gift card is NGN 71,000 for the physical card and NGN 70,000 for the E-code. See rate calculator

How much is a $200 Steam Gift Card

The US Steam card also has a good exchange rate, being traded at, NGN 660/$ and NGN 620/$ for physical and digital gift cards respectively. Hence, a $200 Steam gift card is NGN 132,000 for the physical card and NGN 124,000 for the E-code.

You can use the rate calculator feature on our platform to check for other types of tradeable Steam gift cards on Giftcards Hub.